• What is the difference between a Private and a Public Profile?

    You can choose either a Public Profile or Private Profile. Below you'll find the differences between them:  

    Private Profile:

    • No auto-accept: You have to accept or decline your follow requests. 
    • Private access: Detailed profile information is hidden from other users by default. Depending on other privacy settings, some data might be visible to others. 
    • If another user wants to see your follower/following list, they can only do this if they follow you. The number of your followers and users you are following is visible to anyone.

    Public Profile:

    • Auto-accept: You no longer have to accept follow requests. If another user wants to follow you, their request is accepted automatically.
    • Public access: Your profile information is visible to everyone within the adidas Running and Training apps, even if they don't follow you yet. This includes your Follower/Following list, statistics, records, AR information, and connections. You can still change your privacy settings separately in the general privacy settings

    You can switch between Private or Public Profile in your profile settings at any time:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Go to "Profile"
    • Tap on "View Full Profile" 
    • Tap on Private or Public Profile
    • On the next screen, you can choose whether you would like to have a Private or Public profile.
    • Once you select an option, the checkmark will indicate your selection
    • You can now save the change by confirming.

    Note: All of your pending follower requests will be automatically approved if you switch from a Private to Public Profile. You can switch between a Private and Public Profile at any time.

  • How do I approve or deny a follow request?

    When you receive a follow request, you get a notification in your “Notification Inbox” on the top right corner of your News Feed. 

    By clicking on the notification, you will be redirected to the follow request where you can decline or accept it. 

    You can also deny or approve a follow request by following the steps below:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Go to your “Community” tab.
    • Scroll down to “Connections”.
    • Click on the little arrow next to “Followers and Following” 
    • Here under “Followers” you can see pending requests and your current followers.
    • Now you can click on “accept” or “deny” on the respective pending requests.
  • My Challenge Leaderboard in the adidas Running app

    The Leaderboard shows you how many kilometers/miles you have tracked in your Challenges compared to people you follow

    To access your Challenge Leaderboard please, do the following :

    • Open the “Community” tab.
    • Go to “Challenges”. 
    • Select a Challenge that you have joined.
    • Now you can choose between 3 different Leaderboards:
      • Participants
      • Countries
      • Groups
    • Once you have selected a leaderboard you can use additional filters such as Connections (e.g.Follower or Following), gender or age group by clicking on the filter option in the top right corner.
    • Click “apply” to save your filter options.
  • How do I find users I want to follow?

    If you want to expand your fitness community you can search for users to follow by:

    • Go to your “Community” tab
    •  Scroll down the “Community” tab and click on “Followers and Following”
    • Search for a user directly by clicking on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner
    • Enter a name or an email address to search for another user

    Alternatively, do this:

    • Go to your “Profile” tab
    • Click on “Followers" or "Following”
    • Click on the magnifying glass
    • Enter a name or an email address to search for another user
  • What can my Followers see?

    The change from “Friends” to “Followers” gives you more control over what your followers can see. To filter what you want your followers to see, go to your privacy settings in the app and set the wanted parameters. 

    If you have a public profile, users can view your whole Profile including your statistics, connections, records, and your Follower/Following list without following you first.

  • How do I unfollow another user?

    If you want to unfollow another user, you can do that by following the steps below:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Go to your “Community” tab.
    • Scroll down to “Connections”.
    • Click on the little arrow next to “Followers and Following” 
    • Go to “Following”.
    • Look for the user you want to unfollow.
    • Click on the “Following” button next to their name.
    • Select “Unfollow” 

    Note: If you unfollow another user by accident, you can always send a new follow request.

  • How do I undo a follow request?

    It is currently not possible to undo a request that you sent. However, as soon as the other user accepts your request you can remove this user again by following the steps in this article.

  • How do I follow another User? 

    If you would like to follow another user from our fitness community, follow these steps below: 

    There are multiple ways for you to reach your “Connection Management” screen. You can either go through the “Community” tab or the “Profile” tab in your app.

    To reach your connections through the “Community” tab follow these steps:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Go to your “Community” tab.
    • Scroll down to “Connections”.
    • Click on the little arrow next to “Followers and Following” 
    • Here under “Followers” you can see pending requests and your current followers.
    • If you go to “Following” you will see the users you are following currently.
    • If you want to look for users, click on the magnifying glass. 
    • In thou will see users that you are currently following, that are following you or suggested users that you don’t know yet. 
    • Once you click on “Follow” a request will be sent. 

    Take a look here if you want to access your connections through your “Profile” tab:

    • Go to “Profile”.
    • Click on either “Follower” or “Following”
    • Here under “Followers” you can see pending requests and your current followers.
    • If you go to “Following” you will see the users you are following currently.
    • If you want to look for users, click on the magnifying glass. 
    • You can also see follow suggestions for other users 
    • Once you click on “Follow”, a request will be sent. 

    Note: This does not mean that this user automatically follows you too. In order for another user to follow you, they also need to send you a request. Take a look here if you want to know how to accept or deny a follow request.

  • What is a Follower?

    A Follower is another user from our fitness community that connected with you. A Follower is just like a Friend and will see the activities you share, comments you post and Newsfeed posts, based on your privacy settings.

    Note: When another user follows you, this does not automatically mean that you follow them too.

    If you would like to follow another user take a look here

  • Friends are now Followers 

    Wondering what’s happened to your in-app Friends? Don’t worry; your community is still there! “Friends” have now become “Followers”. 

    With Followers, it’s now easier to share your achievements, activity and updates with others in your community.

  • Challenges: Can I join more than one at one time?

    Yes! You can join as many Challenges as you like. Your activities can also count for multiple challenges if the activities fulfill the requirements for each Challenge as specified in the Challenge details.

  • Challenges: Where can I view my progress?

    If you want to view the Challenge progress, please follow these simple steps below:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Tap “Community” on your tab bar
    • Select the appropriate Challenge by sliding through the cards
  • Challenges: Where can I give feedback?

    We’d love to hear what you think about the Challenges feature! Let us know your opinion by following the link here. Your input is greatly appreciated!

  • Challenges: Why hasn’t my activity been counted?

    There could be several reasons why your activity has not been counted towards a Challenge. You’ll find a list of the most common reasons below:

    • Your activity does not have a GPS trace
    • You tracked using the incorrect sport type
    • You added your activity manually
    • You edited your activity afterwards
    • You uploaded your activity tracked with your smartwatch to adidas Running after the Challenge finished

    Note: At Runtastic we want to encourage fair play and healthy competition. Therefore we have several mechanisms in place to ensure that only realistic activities will count towards a Challenge. Runtastic reserves the right to blacklist users with suspicious activities from the leaderboard and exclude them from the Challenge.

  • Challenges: Will my name always be displayed on the Leaderboard?

    Challenges include a leaderboard where you can compare your performance with fellow runners. When you join a challenge, your participation, progress, and rank in the leaderboard will be visible to other users.

    Note: If you opt out of the running leaderboard in your privacy settings, your name will no longer be visible.

  • Challenges: The Challenge has already started. Can I still join?

    Yes! You can join the Challenge at any time.

  • Challenges: What happens if I delete my activity?

    If you delete an activity, it will be removed from the Challenge. Once deleted, activities can not be recovered.

  • Challenges: How can I leave a Challenge?

    If you decide to leave a Challenge, you can do so by following the simple steps below:

    • Open the adidas Running app
    • Tap “Community” on your tab bar
    • Select the Challenge you want to leave
    • Simply tap the three dots in the top right corner
    • Select “Leave Challenge”

    Note: Once you’ve carried out these steps, all your activities will be removed from the challenge. Should you decide to rejoin a challenge, your previous progress will not be taken into account.

  • Challenges: How do I join?

    Follow the simple steps below to view all available challenges and join your first one:

    • Open the  adidas Running app
    • Tap “Community” on your tab bar
    • Scroll to “Challenges”
    • Simply tap on a Challenge for an overview – see how many participants are joining, how long the Challenge is running, etc.
    • Ready to push yourself? Just select “Join Challenge” 

    Note: Once you’ve joined, your name and rank will appear on the leaderboard and will be visible to all challenge participants.

  • Challenges: Can I track with a smartwatch?

    Yes. The following smartwatches synchronize directly with the adidas Runtastic platform:

    As soon as you’ve synchronized your activity with adidas Running, it will be counted towards the Challenge.

    For other smartwatches, you have the option to import your activity to adidas Running as a .gpx or .tcx file. For help with importing your activity, please see here.

    If you track an activity with more than one device, it will only count once towards your challenge.

  • Challenges: How do I ensure that my activity counts?

    Once you’ve joined, activities that comply with the challenge rules will be automatically linked and counted towards the challenge – there’s nothing you need to do manually.

    In order to ensure that your activity is linked to the Challenge, the following criteria must be set:

    • Your activity must have a GPS trace (unless otherwise specified in the Challenge details)*
    • Your activity must be tracked using the correct sport type for the Challenge (e.g Running)
    • Your activity must be tracked while the Challenge is active (the start and end time are always in your local time zone)

    If you track your activities with a smartwatch, please see the article linked here for more information.

    In order to promote fair play we have a few fraud prevention parameters in place, your activity may not count if any of the following parameters are exceeded or not met: 

    • Average, minimum & maximum pace
    • Maximum speed 
    • Maximum distance
    • Maximum duration

    *If you edit an activity after completion, it will not count towards your challenge.

  • Challenges: What is a Challenge?

    Challenges will bring out the best in you! Challenges are competitions with a specific mission over a certain timeframe, as defined in the challenge details.

    Once you’ve joined, activities that comply with the challenge ruleswill be automatically linked and count towards the challenge. Track your performance and compare it to other users on the leaderboard!

  • Groups feature

    Create a Group and Invite Members

    To create a group in the adidas Running app, follow the steps below:

    • Tap the “Community” tab
    • Select “Groups & Community”. 
    • Tap the plus symbol in the top right corner
    • Give your group a name and a description 
    • Add a photo to your group if you wish to by tapping the camera icon - you can take a new photo with your camera or choose one from your device’s gallery
    • Tap “Create” in the top right corner

    Once the group is created, you can tap on the three dots in the top right corner and “Invite Members”. Your existing followers will be listed here. You can add them to your group by tapping the plus next to their name.

    To invite members to your group with a private message, tap “Invite others with a Link”.

    Join/Leave Group

    Tap the “Profile” tab and select “Groups & Communities” to see your pending Group Invitations. Here, you can either accept or decline the invitation.   

    To leave a group, open the Group, tap on the three dots in the top right corner and tap “Leave Group”.

    Edit Group Name or Description

    As Group Admin, you can edit the group name, change the group photo and add or remove group members at any time. Simply tap on the group you created followed by the three dots in the top right corner. Choose either “Edit Group” or “Edit Members” and make the necessary changes.

    If you wish to remove a member from the group, swipe left on the member’s name and tap “Remove”.

    Note: Once a Group is created, it can not be deleted.

  • My Leaderboard in the adidas Running app

    The Leaderboard shows you how many kilometers/miles you have tracked compared to people you follow

    To view the Leaderboard, tap the “Community” tab and scroll to the “Leaderboard”. Tap “Show more” and your current position will be displayed.The person who tracked the most will be displayed at the top of the list and right beneath that you will find your kilometers/miles and your position on the Leaderboard.

    You can change the time frame at the top by tapping on the filter option (e.g. “This month”). Choose between “Previous month”, “This week”, “Previous week” or keep “This month” by tapping the preferred view.

    You can also select other filters such as “Following” and “Groups”.

    Note: Only the sports type Running and Running (Treadmill) will show up in your Group Leaderboard.